Module "Safety & Rescue"
During this safety and rescue module, you will learn how to gather all the necessary information to venture out safely.
You will learn the difference between proactive and inactive rescue, and then practice these techniques in areas where you might genuinely need them. We will practice various types of rescue beyond the classic T-rescue and kayak reentries in various situations, in addition to those already covered in the SKI 3 course.
You will gain practical experience in the use of towing and throw lines and understand why strict rescue protocols prevent situations from worsening.
You will also be shown how to operate within your L.A.R. (Limited Access Rescue) during solo paddles and develop sea survival strategies, along with a variety of self-rescue techniques.
This module is included in the ADVANCED INTENSIVE COURSE of 26-29 September
What to bring
sea kayak, paddle, spraydeck, helmet, tow or tow-throw line and all the necessary personal equipment
Minimum BC sea Kayak award (formerly three stars), pagaia azzurra 3
Additional services
kayak rental 25€/day
- 28-29 September Marciana Marina, Elba Island 6 places
Module "Expedition Skills"
This course aims to develop skills that help ta sea kayaker to maintain a degree of comfort, sustainability and resources to assist him in life during a sea kayaking expedition.
We will deal with the aspects involving the organization of multi-day outings, from planning to the final debriefing passing through the choice and organization of the equipment, the minimum capacity requirements necessary and the basics of safety at sea.
The course covers Protection, Rescue, Water, Combustion and Food, which are the building blocks that make up the system requirements for an ISKGA guide.
It is an itinerant course, this means that after an initial part in the classroom we will load the kayaks and return to the base only at the end of the course, spending practically all the time outdoors.
Nights in wild camping.
Who is it for
Future sea kayak guides involved in the ISKGA Expedition Skills module, independent paddlers who intend to tackle multi-day outings with greater awareness.
What to bring
Bivi, tarp, sleeping bag, mattress, mess kit, water, food, technical clothing suitable for the water and air temperature.
Minimum BC sea Kayak award (formerly three stars), pagaia azzurra 3.
To be able to swim.
Additional services
kayak rental 25€/day
- 22-24 November Marciana Marina, Elba island
Module "Incident Management"
course with Jeff Allen
Accidents occur at sea. We try to avoid them, but it is guaranteed that one day, big or small, an accident will happen.
You have to prepare in advance for that day!
No one is better known in the kayaking community than Jeff Allen, as his five-day accident management course now forms the backbone of the ISKGA riding program.
During the course you will develop a step-by-step logical thinking process, a simple and easy process that allows for quick decision making, helping you to prevent accidents from getting out of control.
You will learn how to control and overcome ‘Adrenal fix’ and you will be exposed to a variety of rescue and evacuation strategies.
You shall then take all of this knowledge and start to practice scenario based incidents in a variety of environments. This course is strongly recommended for anyone working towards a leadership award and for group paddlers who wish to greater understand the leadership process; after all, understanding at all levels allows for great group performance overall.
What to bring
sea kayak, paddle, spraydeck, helmet, tow or tow-throw line and all the necessary personal equipment
Minimum BC sea Kayak award (formerly three stars), pagaia azzurra 3
Additional services
kayak rental 30€/day
- 25-29 November Marciana Marina, Elba Island